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Sweet Amber Pearls - Solanum Alatum - Rare, Sweet, and Tangy Berries

Sweet Amber Pearls - Solanum Alatum - Rare, Sweet, and Tangy Berries

Quantity: 20 Seeds


Solanum Alatum is a plant in the nightshade family, Solanaceae. It's been consumed by African cultures for centuries, and has finally made its debut appearance in North America. The berries have a very unique and delicious flavour, which is somewhat reminiscent of Solanum Villosum, but different and also darker. Although they can be eaten and enjoyed fresh, their flavour really shines when the ripe berries are picked as a cluster, and then left on a surface to further ripen until they  shrivel like raisins; this really brings out their sweetness, colour, and complex flavours. When dried, they make an excellent addition to trail mixes, or can just be eaten plain by themselves. The fresh berries make an excellent tasting jam too. This is a very underrated, delicious, and versatile fruit, and it makes an excellent addition to any garden. 


All seeds are organic and open pollinated.


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  • Growing Instructions

    For the highest yields, It’s best to start Solanum Alatum seeds indoors about 6-8 weeks before the last frost; we start them here on the farm in mid march. It's good to sow them in a sterile growing medium; most available seed starting soils should do the job nicely; we use sunshine mix (peat moss and perlite). The soil should be made moist, but not damp. Sow the seeds on the surface or at most 1/8 inch below the soil surface. Store in a warm area until tiny sprouts emerge from the soil. A heat mat greatly aids in this step, but is not necessary. Seeds can take up to 2 weeks to germinate, but may take less time too. Once germinated, and the first true leaf has formed, it's time to pot up to a larger container that contains a good quality potting soil. Transplant to their final location when the nighttime temperatures are consistently 8°C or higher; for us at the farm, this is around early May.

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