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Coyote Currant Tomato Seeds - Solanum Pimpinellifolium - Delicious & Super Sweet

Coyote Currant Tomato Seeds - Solanum Pimpinellifolium - Delicious & Super Sweet

Quantity: 10 Seeds

Species: Solanum Pimpinellifolium


Coyote is such a delicious and productive variety of tomato. The plants produce an early abundance of grape sized tomatoes that are quite versatile in the kitchen. The plants are usually the first to produce ripe fruits, and also the last. They are not of the usual tomato species Lycopersicon Esculentum, but instead they are classified as Solanum Pimpinellifolium (aka a currant tomato), so their flavour is quite different; they are low acid, and extremely sweet. This is a "must grow" variety for any tomato lover.


The indeterminate plants can use a good support to grow up, but because of their superior disease resistance, they can sprawl on the ground as they please without the risk of disease taking over the plant. They are resistant to blight, fusarium, and blossom end rot. Under ideal growing conditions, these plants can yield hundreds of fruits. They are ideal for use in salads, or fresh eating right off the vine. They make a very delicious and interesting flavoured sauce too.


All seeds are organic and open pollinated.

  • Growing Instructions

    Tomatoes are best started indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost to ensure that they get a good head start at life; for us here at the farm, the best time is around mid march. It's good to sow them in a sterile growing medium; most available seed starting soils should do the job nicely; we use sunshine mix (peat moss and perlite). The soil should be made moist, but not damp. Sow the seeds 1/4 inch below the soil surface. Store in a warm area until tiny sprouts emerge from the soil. A heat mat greatly aids in this step, but is not necessary. Seeds can take between 5-10 days to germinate. Once the seedlings have emerged, and the first true leaf has formed, it's time to pot up to a larger container that contains a good quality potting soil. Transplant to their final location when the nighttime temperatures are consistently 7°C or higher. Tomatoes do best when grown in full sun, but partial sun will yield decent results too.


©2021 by Small Island Seed Co.

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