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Mixed Cosmos Seeds - Cosmos Bipinnatus - Pollinator Friendly & Beautiful

Mixed Cosmos Seeds - Cosmos Bipinnatus - Pollinator Friendly & Beautiful

Quantity: 50 Seeds


Cosmos is an annual member of the daisy family, Asteraceae. The plants can grow up to 4 feet tall, and the flowers are very beautiful and abundant; they attract a wide range of pollinators too. Planting Cosmos anywhere in or near the garden will increase pollination of crops and other plants in the area due to the increase of pollinators they attract. The blooms make an excellent addition to just about any cut flower arrangement too. The packet contains seeds from 8 different varieties. These plants are deer resistant, so they don't need to be planted within a fenced area.


All seeds are organic and open pollinated.


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  • Growing Instructions

    Cosmos seeds may be started in pots in the spring, or directly sown into the ground. If sown indoors, plant the seeds in a sterile growing medium; most available seed starting soils should do the job nicely; we use sunshine mix (peat moss and perlite). The soil should be made moist, but not damp. Sow the seeds 1/4 inch below the soil surface. Store in a warm area until tiny sprouts emerge from the soil. Once germinated, and the first true leaf has formed, it's time to pot up to a larger container that contains a good quality potting soil. Transplant to their final location when the nighttime temperatures are consistently 8°C or higher. The plants don’t require very much attention once established other than maybe a layer of mulch, and a bi-weekly watering.

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