Whiteknight Pearl Hardy Fuchsia Seeds - Fuchsia Magellanica - Tasty & Perennial
Quantity: 50 Seeds
Hardy Fuchsia is a is a fruit bearing plant in the Evening Primrose family, Onagraceae. It's a perennial down to zone 5, and originates in South America. Many know of the plants ornamental value, but the berries and flowers are edible and delicious too. Some Fuchsia species produce tastier berries than others, and Whiteknights Pearl produces some of the tastiest berries. The fruits are best enjoyed fresh and in salads, but can be made into preserves tool. The berries have a unique flavour while also being sweet, fruity, and juicy. It's easy to know when the fruits are ripe as the stems detach from the plant with ease, or fall to the ground. The plants flower profusely, and attract an array of pollinators as they are an excellent source of nectar.
All seeds are organic and open pollinated.
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Growing Instructions
For the highest yields, It’s best to start Fuchsia seeds indoors about 6-8 weeks before the last frost; I start them here on the farm in mid March. It's good to sow them in a sterile growing medium; most available seed starting soils should do the job nicely; I use sunshine mix (peat moss and perlite). The soil should be made moist, but not damp. The seeds require light to germinate, so sow the seeds on the surface for best results. Maintain a soil temperature of 70-75ºF until tiny sprouts emerge from the soil. A heat mat greatly aids in this step, but is not necessary. Seeds take between 3-8 weeks to germinate, but may take less time too. Once germinated, and the first true leaf has formed, it's time to pot up to a larger container that contains a good quality potting soil. Transplant to their final location when the nighttime temperatures are consistently 10°C or higher; here at the farm, this is around mid May.